The first update to my third kode80 iPhone app GLSL Studio is now available on the AppStore! This update adds a custom keyboard with arrow keys and coding shortcuts, light/dark syntax themes, code auto-indentation and more. GLSL Studio is the first fully featured OpenGL programming environment for iOS enabling graphics/game developers to work on GPU code and effects directly on their iOS devices while also providing a safe and easy environment for aspiring developers to learn through experimentation. GLSL, OpenGL Shader Language, is a GPU programming language used by most modern portable devices and new technologies such as WebGL.
Click here for the full GLSL Studio site
More Coding Fun on iPad, Android, Beyond: Play with GLSL’s Magical OpenGL Goodness
[...] https://glslstudio.com/ Via the developer’s kode80 blog [...]
Jan 13, 2012 @ 7:09 pm
What’s with the weird split or un-docked keyboard? What is the intent?
Also, would love to see some kind of online reference material for GLSL, and a manual describing all the settings (like what is width and height vs. rows and columns on the grid?)
Jan 19, 2012 @ 3:07 am
@hellcats: The appearance of the custom keyboard when split/undocked is due to the OS - there’s currently no way to customize the appearance when this happens.
Documentation is high on the todo list for GLSL Studio.
The Grid primitive is a flat plane. Width/Height are the dimensions of the plane as a whole. Columns/Rows define how the plane is subdivided (columns being horizontal subdivisions and rows being vertical).
Feb 02, 2012 @ 10:18 am