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19 Responses Subscribe to comments

  1. Adam

    How about an android version??

    Apr 06, 2010 @ 5:30 pm

  2. Adam

    Just do it anyway, you don’t even need to pay for the privilege. Besides if you don’t I’m sure someone else will…. yoink! jk :D
    Hurrah for developer freedom.

    Apr 13, 2010 @ 6:20 am

  3. Ben

    If the Goog sends me a device, maybe. :)

    Apr 13, 2010 @ 7:36 am

  4. Ben

    I need a device for development, so unless Google sends me one gratis - I am “paying for the privilege”. I am already exercising “developer freedom” by personally choosing to work on (imo) the best mobile platform using (imo) the best tools for the job.
    I find it somewhat amusing that you think I should work on droid otherwise someone will steal my idea… yoink! jk :P

    Apr 14, 2010 @ 9:49 am

  5. Google

    Cool, does this mean you’ll be starting soon?


    Apr 14, 2010 @ 12:51 pm

  6. Ben

    @Google LOL link it up, I know you have the connections.

    Apr 14, 2010 @ 2:35 pm

  7. Adam

    Well, I wouldnt say its the best mobile platform; it’s the most popular, for the moment, but that certainly doesn’t make it the best.

    But by developer freedom, if you mean using a development enivornment prescribed and approved by Apple as the only means to publish, then yes, freedom, but hey, I don’t live in China.

    However, if you ever decide to work on an open platform… :)

    Apr 15, 2010 @ 4:27 am

  8. Ben

    Great hardware
    Best touchscreen (by a mile)
    Best user experience
    Best developer experience (unless you’re scared of C variants or carry the deluded vision that Apple is in any way worse than Google)
    Best distribution
    Largest install base

    No one’s forcing you to develop for Apple platforms, however it seems a lot of people are trying to force me (and every other person who creates apps for iOS) to develop for teh Goog…

    Q. what does “open” mean to you personally?

    Apr 15, 2010 @ 8:58 am

  9. Adam

    All those points are pretty debatable, to be fair.

    Open in terms of not being restricted to one device, one platform, one manufacturer, one corporation in control, to the point where their influence extends to the creative industry as a whole. Which further leads to abuse of such control, exerting a pressure on other corporations to follow suit or be smited.

    It’s ironic that your blog covers a lot of flash development I must say.

    Apr 15, 2010 @ 10:44 am

  10. Ben

    I would agree at least that user/developer experience are subjective and add:

    Best user experience for the masses, as shown by the ridiculous number of iOS devices sold worldwide.

    Best developer experience - in my experience. I’ve worked on many platforms over the last decade or so and I’ve never been as impressed as I am with Apple. They’ve had (well publicized) issues and they’ve made huge improvements on all of them. It seems like every time I log into their developer portal they’ve upgraded something. Their documentation for iOS is truly remarkable, same thing, constantly updating and improving.

    But then maybe I’m just biased after having worked with Flash tools for so many years :P

    Maybe if I tried developing for Android (something I am totally up for) I would be as impressed with that environment as well - but everything I’ve heard leads me to believe that this just isn’t the case.

    You’re talking as if Apple have some kind of Microsoft-esque monopoly and that this ‘closed’ group of consumer devices is the death knoll of computing and the free world as we know it. Microsoft had a true monopoly because at a point in time the vast majority of the world’s computers, regardless of manufacturer, had Microsoft software preinstalled, by default, no choice. The very fact that Apple is so wrapped up in Apple and their “walled garden” means that this will never happen. Apple makes apple hardware, with Apple software, sold in Apple stores.

    I really fail to see your point on their control over the creative industry other than the simple fact companies are obviously going to want to produce content for iOS devices while iOS devices are popular.

    As for the irony in me developing for both Flash and iOS, it only exists if you are of the mindset that a developer must pledge allegiance to one platform. I like creating things and I will do so on whichever platform piques my interest enough to do so.

    Apr 15, 2010 @ 7:10 pm

  11. Adam

    I’m sure you’ve heard from both sides of the fences so I don’t need to point out any more.

    You’d do well to look at the statistics of the android platform, see you on there soon :).

    Apr 16, 2010 @ 6:44 am

  12. Adam

    Just a note whilst I remember to mention. People would eat this up as a live wallpaper on android. As a standalone app I’m not so sure, but I know I’d love to have a mechanism like this running on my home screen, even if it was just a simple peek-around.

    Apr 16, 2010 @ 6:55 am

  13. Ben

    That’s a cool idea, especially if ‘peeking’ at either side showed you what was offscreen on that page of the desktop.

    Awaiting my Goog device. :)

    Apr 16, 2010 @ 7:23 am

  14. Adam

    You don’t need to wait for Google to send you a device :). . Unless of course you are motivated by a company stroking your ego by sending you a free phone.

    Apr 19, 2010 @ 4:55 am

  15. Ben

    Developing without a device will only get you so far and if you are serious about the apps you are producing then you should be testing on all variations of the hardware (which with Android is quite a few).

    Other than to make yet another jab, I’m not sure where you’re coming from with that ego comment. I do this for a living. Right now (as far as mobile goes) that’s iPhone OS. I’m not about to spend limited time and money on Android because I’m not that interested and that’s not where my works coming from. That may very well change in the future but for now it is what it is.

    Besides, you seem to be a lot more invested in getting me onto Android than teh Goog is.

    Apr 19, 2010 @ 9:32 am

  16. Adam

    Me again! :)
    So have you changed your mind yet, seeing as Android just leapfrogged iPhone expansion.

    May 12, 2010 @ 6:22 am

  17. Lisa


    my friend showed me this on his iphone. its the first time ive ever been jealous of a dirty apple device. anyways i just wanted to let you know id pay top dollars for this on my android phone (nexus one) i dont know whats involved in making software at all so im not gonna try and order you around here, just came to beg!!!

    Jul 11, 2010 @ 3:07 pm

  18. edw

    Ok let’s put it simple: you do it for android I’m sure you will get $50k to $100k on revenue. I think that’s your reason.
    Right now you have no competition you could charge $1.99

    Jul 20, 2010 @ 10:01 pm

  19. Antonio

    This is one thing that Droid doesn’t do.

    Aug 23, 2010 @ 3:51 pm
